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Sudoku Sushi
Each Sushi has a sudoku game in the package!
We believe Sudoku and Sushi go hand in hand!
New Sudoku puzzles introduced every month.

The aim of the puzzle is to enter a diit from 1 through 9 in each cell. You may only use each digit once in each row, column, and 3x3 box.

Sushi SudokuSushi Sudoku togo

Don't Give up!
It might take a few tries before you can finish your first one.
Sushi Game Sudoku

Solutions to our Sudoku Sushi Puzzles
Sushi Sudoku Solutions

Try Sushi Now! brand Wasabi Powder!
Shipped to your door or you can find it at many Grocery Stores.
Sushi Game Sudoku

Sudoku Solutions Sushi

We also offer Sushi Supplies shipped to your door!
Sushi Game Sudoku
Sushi Sudoku Solutions
Sushi Game Sudoku

Sudoku solutions

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